Cameo in her Bow

Miss Cameo

Our precious Cameo came to us as a foster dog. She had a charm around her neck that claimed she was "Not Spoiled, Blessed." Her first mom loved her very much, but felt she just could not give this little one all the attention she deserved, and so she contacted rescue. I was lucky to be that rescue contact. Cameo was a once in a life time girl, though she could easily have found a forever home with another family, I just knew I couldn't give her up. She was sweet, sassy, and full of herself. She had a huge spirit in a very tiny little body. She was only 3 pounds, but loved to boss the "bigger" dogs around.

Cameo enjoyed working with me and was incredibly smart in obedience classes. She earned her CGC just 2 months after coming to live with us. She had no fear. She used to do her stays next to a Great Dane. The only part about obedience that wasn't her style, was the obedience part. She loved working so long as she was having fun and being honored as she felt she deserved, but she would sometimes refuse to sit if she didn't have a cushion under her tush. Her skills and personality made her and ideal therapy dog. I learned this first hand just a few short months after she came to live with us. I broke both of my arms and she helped me recover as my very best nurse. She loved visiting the nursing homes and assisted living facilities with me and being told how precious she was. We lost Cameo too young, at 8 years of age, just 7 years after she came to live with us. But for that time we had together, we were the ones who were Blessed.


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CloudClan Maltese.
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